Interesting that they have an office for that.... good to know, thx.
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Religious Repression and silencing dissent.
by biblexaminer indo you want to stop religious repression?.
contact .
u.s. commission on international religious freedom .
The 'Like' button option is a joke
by fukitol ini just 'liked' the same post 6 times in a row.. what a joke simon.
sort it out!.
cha ching
Dear op... I think your name says it all ; -)
Could use some advice, divorce and children
by SonOfLiberty ini understand a lot of you have had experience with different situations but i just need to see if there is anything to shed light on my situation.. i separated from my wife of 13 yrs (been apart for the past 2 now), and left.
this was our second separation.
i couldn't deal with her ways anymore so i chose to leave.
cha ching
So sorry you are going thru this... Focus on your children, do not let even the "brothers" bully you, by making you go to a judicial hearing.
Build your relationship with your two children (and even your older one if possible) by taking them camping, bowling, arts & crafts, music, all of the things you miss as a J-dub.
They will love being with you, and just may find a way to open their minds to new ideas.... You ARE the other parent, you have just as MUCH a right to raise your children according to YOUR ideas as your wife does. What if you had always been Catholic. Why wouldn't a Catholic father have just as much say as a JW wife? What if she tried to prevent HIM from taking them to church? Both parents have rights. Don't forget that.
That being said, do NOT meet with AN elder, two elders or any "let's just talk" thing.... Nope, don't do it. Don't answer the phone, door, etc...If they DO happen to run into you, tell them you have things you are working thru. You are "depressed", you are "whatever"...... Do not give them details... Sorry....
The minute you go down the rabbit hole, you are a done deal... DF'd.
After the 'Miracle' Chairs Video, What Pointless Tasks have you seen Assigned?
by Slidin Fast insheffield 1980s i think.
there was a grassy area that needed mowing to put a collapsible baptismal pool on i think.
there was no mower so they gave a bunch of sisters a pair of scissors each and they went on their knees and snipped away.. only in jehovah's organisation!.
cha ching
God must be with them if they mowed the lawn with scissors, right?
No one else on earth would be able to accomplish such a feat!
SCOTLAND: JW warned court will deliver judgment
by darkspilver infrom the east coast of scotland, just north of dundee...... the courier - friday 10 february 2017 - page 8. jehovah’s witness warned court will deliver judgment .
a church figure has been told by a sheriff that the courts will deliver judgment on his domestic offending and not the jehovah’s witness group he is a member of.
cha ching
Great idea... not imprisonment, which would put a burden on the tax dollars, but "unpaid work" of 160 hours (reduced from 180 because he he pled guilty) and supervision for 18 months!
The judge also warned him “What I am saying to you very clearly is that this is in effect your third analogous offence and the seriousness is increasing.”
Article: 'I was dead to them': How Lara escaped the Jehovah's Witnesses 'cult'
by AndersonsInfo in
'i was dead to them': how lara escaped the jehovah's witnesses 'cult'.
rachel brownemarch 10, 2017. three decades ago jodi*'s family were searching for a better life for themselves and their four children, well away from the gritty inner-city high rise apartment they called home.. the family packed up their belongings and moved to rural victoria where they planned to start anew.. then one morning a pair of jehovah's witnesses knocked on the door to spread the word of the watchtower bible and tract society.
cha ching
Don't worry DS, I understood what you meant.... It's all in the typing technicalities and communications, right?
Article: 'I was dead to them': How Lara escaped the Jehovah's Witnesses 'cult'
by AndersonsInfo in
'i was dead to them': how lara escaped the jehovah's witnesses 'cult'.
rachel brownemarch 10, 2017. three decades ago jodi*'s family were searching for a better life for themselves and their four children, well away from the gritty inner-city high rise apartment they called home.. the family packed up their belongings and moved to rural victoria where they planned to start anew.. then one morning a pair of jehovah's witnesses knocked on the door to spread the word of the watchtower bible and tract society.
cha ching
Thanks Barbara! I like that she took her energy and put it into a positive action for "change"(.org)
Ms Kaput has launched a campaign on to have charity regulator, the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission, investigate the organisation.
"This is not an organisation which should have charitable status," she said.
Nor is it a safe organisation for children, the royal commission determined when it handed down its findings into the institution last year. -
Finished Mystery (1917)... The book that Jesus approved...
by Alfred inso a few months ago, a friend sent me an actual copy of finished mystery which was published in 1917 (not a pdf download... the actual book).
i must say, this was the most disturbing book i have ever had the displeasure of reading.
but i only read it because this was the main publication that was being distributed worldwide when jesus supposedly chose the watchtower in 1918 and i basically wanted to see for myself what jesus saw in the wt that would compel him to choose this religious corporation over all other religious denominations.. anyway, if anyone is interested in knowing the actual contents of this book, here are some bullet points i put together from some of the notes i took as i read the book:.
cha ching
I have only read short sections of this book, and that alone was almost too much to bear. It is a shameful thing, an embarrassment, and most people who are JWs do not know what their entire life structure has been based upon.
Numerology, the whole thing.... numerology.
Who can explain why the "Two Witness" rule is wrong, in the simplest term?
by DATA-DOG inwith all the legalese being tossed around, and the expert manipulation on the part of the wtbts, who can explain why the "two witness" is being perverted by the wtbts?
i don't care if you're a bible believer and want to approach this from a biblical standpoint, or if you simply use logic and reason.
how would you explain this subject to a j-dub, or even a non-dub?.
cha ching
1. Is there any Bible principle that prohibits somebody in modern day from just "calling the police"?
If you think someone is in your house, going to rob you, does the WT say "You need two witnesses, call Legal Desk, and we'll tell you what to do"?
If you came home, and found your family member murdered, you would call the police.
If someone breaks into a Kingdom Hall, "the first thing you should do is call the police."
There is no rule in the Bible that says you cannot or should not call the police.
There is no rule in the Bible that says elders should disfellowship or shun someone for calling the police.
Robbery is a crime, call the police.
Murder is a crime, call the police.
Child abuse is a crime, call the police.
After that..... after "the superior authorities that you are in subjection to" are notified...... do whatever else you want to do. Want two witness? go for it. Want four? go for it. Do whatever you want to do in your stupid little 'committees' "that God has assigned to you."
Just report the crime...... call the police.
Talked to a JW at a literature stand today
by nevermind inguys,.
i need your help in trying to wrap my head around this strange experience i had today talking with a jw lady sitting at a literature table in a busy outdoor shopping center.. i'm a very shy person, but i always wanted to ask these jws at their literature stands questions to start them thinking about the validity of watchtower teaching.
i finally mustered my strength today to talk to this jw lady.
cha ching
I know it's weird, but here is what happened in my life.
I was raised a JW, and was about 20 in 1975. I knew "the end was near".... as told at all conventions, (yes, I remember them asking "How long was Eve alive before she sinned? could it have been one year? six months? and throw out all kinds of possibilities) but I also read the Bible, and the Bible said, "No man knows the day or the hour." and I trusted the Bible more than men, so when I heard of people leaving the organization in 76, I didn't know why. I really did not realize that other congregations had talks, parts on the meetings, countdowns, "stay alive till 75", etc.
I kept waiting for the "Sodom and Gomorrah effect" where men will be marrying men, women will marry women..... The sexual revolution had just begun, but it was not a common thing that everyone accepted in those days.
Also, even tho I knew no one knew the day or the hour, we went to see Star Wars in 1977?ish? and we love it! Afterwards, as we (a group of JWs)all left the great adventure we had just experienced said, "we hope the end does not come before 1981, as we want to see the next film!"
As far as 1914 goes, as to what Russell said in the 1874 ish time, I really didn't know at all that he had said one thing, and changed it to another until almost five years ago or so.
In "the old days" say the 70's - 80's, people were definitely discouraged from college, but were not DF'd or shunned, or lost privileges in my area, and I think that is another factor. In some areas, things were more relaxed, in other cities/ countries/ congregations, they weren't .
Now that I look back and hear what all others have experienced, I cannot believe I did not catch the clues. WT has everyone on such a fast spinning hamster wheel of duties (meetings, service, cleaning K Halls, conventions, reading magazines, building K Halls and assembly halls) that people just do not have the time to investigate. It is easier NOW, with the much better/ faster computers and internet than it was when you would have to go to a paper library, or pull WT bound volumes off the shelf.
When I went to work at a High School, in maybe 2011, we were reading the history of that time period, regarding the League of Nations and United Nations, and I learned that there was quite a bit of PUBLIC information regarding them All the mystery of "uuuuuuhhhh Brother Knorr figured this out" or whoever it was.... It was not true. It was public information that had been twisted to make the WT Society/ GB look as if they had "holy spirit".
*** kc chap. 17 p. 166 par. 10 The King Fights at Armageddon ***
10 What composite “beast” has appeared in these “last days,” and what has been its performance on the world stage? At an international convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1942, the public talk entitled “Peace—Can It Last?” called attention to the prophecy at Revelation 17:7, 8. The speaker, Watch Tower president N. H. Knorr, identified “the wild beast that . . . was” as the League of Nations—brought forth in 1920. But now, in that wartime year of 1942, he stated: “The League is in effect in a state of suspended animation, and needs to be revived if it is ever to live again. It has gone into the abyss of inaction and ineffectiveness. It ‘is not.’” President Knorr went on to show that “the wild beast that . . . was, but is not, . . . is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction.” True to the Bible prophecy, that “beast” was revived in 1945 as the United Nations.So, in conclusion, nevermind, I would say that I may just have been such a naive witness, that may have not really believed what you had told me, at least from my experiences.